Operations of the Emergency Ultrasound (EUS) machine
How to perform all core EUS applications
How to appropriately fill out a worksheet in Qpath
How to incorporate EUS into your daily clinical practice.
General information:
This rotation consists of twelve (12) 12-hour shifts per block and may be scheduled at the convenience of both you and the ultrasound faculty as long as all objectives are met.
A schedule will be provided to you with shift times.
Scanning shifts will be performed independently or with available faculty members.
Orientation will occur during first scanning shift. All the details of this rotation will be discussed during orientation.
For medicolegal reasons, unless you are scanning with a faculty member, you may only scan patients who are receiving confirmatory studies (e.g.: US or CT scan, etc).
Due to Covid-19 pandemic, please wear appropriate PPE when scanning at all times. No exception to this rule.
Resident Expectations:
Goal is to perform at least 150 studies while on rotation..
Review the study with the attending of record for that specific patient during or after completion.
Every study must be uploaded to Qpath on the scanning shift.
There will also be image review and QA/QI of US studies during rotation with Dr. Moreno. More information regarding this topic will be discussed during orientation.
Journal Club.
During your second of week, you will choose an article to discuss during Image Review
More information regarding this topic will be discussed during orientation.
Prepare a 15 minute lecture about an interesting case during your rotation.
Exit Exam:
A final exam will be taken during the last of week of the rotation. More information regarding this topic will be discussed during orientation.
Customized Online Sonographic learning
There will be an emphasis on ACEP core applications
Resident Expectations: Daily goals for self-study content
Day 1: Introduction to Point-of- care ultrasound, Physics and E-FAST
Day 2: Echocardiography, Part 1
Day 3: Aorta/IVC
Day 4: Renal
Day 5: Gallbladder / Peripheral and Central Venous US Guided IV Placement
Day 6: Pregnancy/Pelvic
Day 7: Ocular/DVT
Day 8: Advanced Abdomen /Appendicitis
Day 9: Soft tissue/ MSK/Procedures
Day 10 : Thoracic/Rush Protocol
Day 11: Advanced Echo
Day 12: Exit exam/Journal club